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Ennia GmbH

Steppach 23

96178 Pommersfelden


Phone: +49 (0) 9548 / 98 39 280

Fax: +49 (0) 9548 / 98 39 281


Trade register: Amtsgericht Bamberg HRB 9235

UST-IdNr.: DE318200203

CEO: Anja Hentschel



Responsible for the content according to § 55 article 2 RStV: Anja Hentschel, address see above.
Complaints can be directed to:





All information and explanations of these web pages are non-binding. Ennia GmbH neither warrants nor guarantees the correctness and completeness of the contents. No warranty is given and no assurance is provided for the characteristics of the products. No entitlements will result from the contents of the website. Any errors in the contents will be corrected immediately with knowledge about that. The contents of the website can not be kept up to date constantly by time-delayed actualisation. Therefore, please contact us directly for questions regarding the status, technical details and availability of the products and services. Links to other websites are not controlled constantly. We therefore expressly disclaim any responsibility for the contents of linked websites and statements.



Downloading data and software


Ennia GmbH can not guarantee for the accuracy of data and software which can be downloaded by the website. The software is checked by Ennia GmbH for viruses. We still recommend to check data and software before and after downloading for computer virus with the latest anti-virus software in each case.



Copyrights and other special protection rights


The contents of this website are protected by copyright. A copy of the information of the website on one single computer may be stored for the non-commercial and personal use. Graphics, texts, logos, pictures etc. may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, modified, published, transmitted, transferred, or used in any other form without prior written permission of Ennia GmbH. Product names and company names may be registered trademark or brands. Unauthorized usage may lead to claims for damages, for omission or to other legal action.





On our webside we use pictures from

Besides, we use pictures from Fotolia:

- Fotolia_183019389

- Fotolia_81027946



Protection of personal data and confidentiality


It can not be guaranteed that informations or personal data which are transmitted to us, will not be intercepted by third parties during transmission.




Ennia GmbH shall not be liable for any damage, particularly not for direct or indirect consequential damage, loss of data or profit, system failures or production breakdowns, resulting from the use of this website or downloading of data. If the resulted damage by the use of this website or downloading of data is caused by a malicious intent or gross negligence, the disclaimer of liability is not valid. The privity of contract resulting from the use of the website between the user and Ennia GmbH is subject to the laws of the German Federal Republic. The place of jurisdiction for disputes with registered traders, resulting from the use of these web pages, is the district of Ennia GmbH in Pommersfelden, Germany.



Information obligations in accordance to VSBG (Consumer’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Act)​


The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (OS). 


We are not obligated to take part in a dispute resolution infront of a Cosumer Conciliation Board.


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